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dc.contributor.authorXydakis, Ioannis-
dc.contributor.authorSpanoudi, Zoe-
dc.subjectReligious Educationen_US
dc.titleTechnology and Magic in superhero comic booksen_US
dc.typeeducational scenario - lesson planen_US
dc.keywordpopular culture, magic, technology, hero, modern mythology, superhero comic booken_US
dc.school1o peiramatiko gymnasio Athinasen_US
dc.moduleReligious Educationen_US
dc.unitDiffused New Religiosity: Modern Mythologyen_US
dc.requirementsThe scenario should be taught in a computer lab or in a classroom equipped with an interactive whiteboard. In the latter case, the students should use mobile devices (tablets, mobile phones) provided by the school, or brought by themselves. It is also suitable for online teaching. However, all of the activities can be adapted to be used without technology, in case a computer lab or mobile devices are not available, or if there is no internet connection in the school.en_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::4. Digital Competenceen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::5. Personal, social and learning to learn Competenceen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::8. Cultural awareness and expression Competenceen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::2. Multilingual Competenceen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::1. Literacy Competenceen_US
dc.learningOutcome1. Awareness of the distinct role and status of the “superhero”. 2. Understanding of superhero comic books not just as a new product of popular culture but also as the most dynamic, contemporary and popular expression of neomythology. 3. Knowledge of how superhero comic books divert itself by redefining historical figures and the history of the past. 4. Understanding how in superhero comic books the logical coexists with the imaginary and the mythical can always be justified as being possible and credible.en_US
dc.transversalSkillInformation literacyen_US
dc.europeanityA contemporary mythology is developing in today’s diffused new religiosity. This neomythology, as it is portrayed through comic books, video games, fantasy movies, etc., presents beings and worlds that have supernatural and imaginary characteristics, and attempts to present their qualities as logical and scientific. In particular, in superhero comic books, which constitute one of the most contemporary and popular expression of neomythology, technology – in terms of weapons, machines and devices – is incorporated into their various plots in the typical and usual way of discovery and use of such tools, while at the same time taking on characteristics that were once attributed to magic and religion. In an imaginary yet convincing way, within the limits of these make-believe realities, a new version of technology is being presented: a divine or magical technology emerging as a super-technology. In the same way, in this re-framing framework, superheroes, namely beings with advanced technology and highly developed physical or spiritual skills, can often be seen as modern adaptation of traditional mythological heroic figures, and aspects of mainly European myth cycles are used as material for new heroic plots.en_US
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