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dc.contributor.authorFalagkaras, Aristeidis-
dc.contributor.authorBoumpouka, Maria-
dc.descriptionIn this scenario, the students program an arduino microprocessor to control the movement of a small car and investigate its motion, through measurements of the distance that it covers in a certain period of time. The students collect data by changing the motion time in the program and write down the measurements of the covered distance. They process this data to draw conclusions about the cars velocity. Finally they use this data to predict the time needed in order to make the vehicle cover a given distance with the maximum accuracy.en_US
dc.subjectInformation & Communication Technologies Computer Scienceen_US
dc.subjectElectronics & Automationen_US
dc.titleExploiting an arduino controlled vehicle to investigate proportional relationshipsen_US
dc.typeeducational scenario - lesson planen_US
dc.keywordSTEM, Arduino, proportional relationships, measurementsen_US
dc.keywordsPerFileArduino Vehicles Scenario Scripten_US
dc.keywordsPerFileArduino vehicles worksheeten_US
dc.keywordsPerFileArduino vehicles worksheeten_US
dc.keywordsPerFileArduino vehicles worksheeten_US
dc.keywordsPerFileWork distributionen_US
dc.keywordsPerFileArduino vehicles work distributionen_US
dc.keywordsPerFileArduino vehicles codeen_US
dc.school1o peiramatiko gymnasio Athinasen_US
dc.moduleMathematical Functionsen_US
dc.unitProportional relationshipsen_US
dc.requirementsArduino vehicles, Computers, Measuring tapesen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::3. Mathematical competence and competence in science, technology, engineering::B. Competence in science, technology, engineering::Knowledge::Knowledge of technology and technological products and processesen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::3. Mathematical competence and competence in science, technology, engineering::A. Mathematical competence::Knowledge::Understanding of mathematical terms and conceptsen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::3. Mathematical competence and competence in science, technology, engineering::A. Mathematical competence::Skills::Skill to apply basic mathematical principles and processes in everyday contexts at home and worken_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::3. Mathematical competence and competence in science, technology, engineering::A. Mathematical competence::Skills::Ability to use appropriate aids including statistical data and graphsen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::3. Mathematical competence and competence in science, technology, engineering::B. Competence in science, technology, engineering::Skills::Ability to use and handle technological tools and machines as well as scientific data to achieve a goal or to reach an evidence-based decision or conclusionen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::4. Digital Competence::Skills::ability to recognize and effectively engage with software, devices, artificial intelligence or robotsen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::5. Personal, social and learning to learn Competence::Skills::ability to communicate constructively in different environments, collaborate in teams and negotiateen_US
dc.learningOutcomeStudents are able to perform measurements of distance and calculate the mean value of their measurements. create a chart with the values of their measurements develop strategies to recognise when a relationship between two physical quantities is proportional collaborate in small groups and assume responsibilities at whole class levelen_US
dc.transversalSkillCreativity and Innovationen_US
dc.transversalSkillCollaboration and Communicationen_US
dc.transversalSkillAutonomous learningen_US
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Files in This Item:
File Description SizeFormat 
ArduinoVehiclesWorkSheet1.docxArduino vehicles Worksheet1647.31 kBMicrosoft Word XMLView/Open
ArduinoVehiclesWorksheet2.docxArduino vehicles Worksheet2149.62 kBMicrosoft Word XMLView/Open
ArduinoVehiclesWorksheet 3.docxArduino vehicles Worksheet315.9 kBMicrosoft Word XMLView/Open
Work distribution.xlsxExcel file for work distribution8.03 kBMicrosoft Excel XMLView/Open
P1S14Y2_Script.docxArduino vehicles Scenario Script18.53 kBMicrosoft Word XMLView/Open
ArduinoVehicleCode.inoArduino vehicles the cose368 BUnknownView/Open

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