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dc.contributor.authorMaiello, Rita-
dc.descriptionExpected skills the structure and functions of the different parts of a plant. Knowledge of themes and problems of landscape protection as a natural and cultural heritage and design enhancement actions. “To care for humanity, we must care for nature”. This is a moment for a deep reflection on nature, on climate change, on how we should behave, on what the our society should be, to protect species and ecosystems. Schools should teach people about the importance of protecting our nature. Let's imagine an open school capable of building and stimulating in the minds of children how to take care of nature.en_US
dc.title“Trees and leaves: a precious asset”en_US
dc.title.alternativeScience in first year of secondary schoolen_US
dc.typeeducational scenario - lesson planen_US
dc.keywordtrees, leaves, scienceen_US
dc.keywordsPerFilescience, biologyen_US
dc.schoolIstituto Comprensivo Carducci-Kingen_US
dc.moduleCivic educationen_US
dc.unit15 goal of 2030 agendaen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::6. Citizenship Competenceen_US
dc.learningOutcomeKnowledge of themes and problems of landscape protection as a natural and cultural heritage and design enhancement actions.en_US
dc.europeanityThe school is not intended as a classroom or desks but as a place of learning and in the open air and therefore in contact with nature, children are encouraged to learn and investigate nature as well as scientists and artists.en_US
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