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dc.contributor.authorBompolou, Eirini-
dc.contributor.authorSpanoudi, Zoe-
dc.descriptionThe students learn about the incursion and spread of the Arabs in Europe and study aspects of the Islamic civilisation. Then they are divided in groups and that represent social groups of that era and try to accoplish some missions in a webquest. In the third teaching period they examine the repulse of the Arabs, in Constantinople with the use of Greek FIre as well as the battle of Tours (also known as battle of Poitiers) and try to delve into the situation by writing scripts about characters from the particular period of time.en_US
dc.titleThe incursion and spread of the Arabs in Medieval Europeen_US
dc.typeeducational scenario - lesson planen_US
dc.keywordMiddle Agesen_US
dc.keywordGreek Fireen_US
dc.keywordBattle of Tours (Battle of Poitiers)en_US
dc.keywordsPerFileScript P1S22Y2.pdfen_US
dc.keywordsPerFilebrainstorming, timeline, map labeling, Arab inventionsen_US
dc.keywordsPerFileP1S22Y2 Worksheet 1st teaching period.pdfen_US
dc.keywordsPerFilewebquest, groupworken_US
dc.keywordsPerFileP1S22Y2 Worksheet 2nd teaching period.pdfen_US
dc.keywordsPerFileflipbook presentation, roleplayen_US
dc.keywordsPerFileP1S22Y2 Worksheet 3rd teaching perioden_US
dc.keywordsPerFilepresentation and activitiesen_US
dc.school1o peiramatiko gymnasio Athinasen_US
dc.moduleMedieval Historyen_US
dc.unitThe Arabs in Europeen_US
dc.requirementsComputer Lab (or student tablets, or online teaching platform) or at least interactive whiteboard, Students’ familiarity with pair and group work, Students’ familiarity with digital toolsen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::1. Literacy Competenceen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::2. Multilingual Competenceen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::6. Citizenship Competenceen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::8. Cultural awareness and expression Competenceen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::1. Literacy Competence::Knowledge::Knowledge of vocabulary, grammar and the functions of languageen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::1. Literacy Competence::Knowledge::Awareness of a range of literary and non-literary textsen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::2. Multilingual Competence::Knowledge::Knowledge of vocabularyen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::2. Multilingual Competence::Knowledge::Knowledge of cultural aspectsen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::6. Citizenship Competence::Knowledge::knowledge of contemporary events as well as a critical understanding of the main developments in national, European and world history movementsen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::6. Citizenship Competence::Knowledge::awareness of the aims, values and policies of social and political movements and their underlying causesen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::6. Citizenship Competence::Knowledge::knowledge of how national cultural identity contributes to the European identityen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::8. Cultural awareness and expression Competence::Knowledge::knowledge of local, national, regional, European and global cultures and expressionsen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::8. Cultural awareness and expression Competence::Knowledge::understanding how languages, heritage and traditions and cultural products can influence each other as well as the ideas of the individualen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::8. Cultural awareness and expression Competence::Knowledge::understanding one’s own developing identity and cultural heritage within a world of cultural diversityen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::1. Literacy Competence::Skills::Skill to communicate both orally and in writing in a variety of situationsen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::1. Literacy Competence::Skills::Ability to distinguish and use different types of sources, to search for, collect and process information, to use aidsen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::1. Literacy Competence::Skills::Ability to formulate and express one’s oral and written arguments in a convincing way appropriate to the contexten_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::1. Literacy Competence::Skills::Critical thinking and ability to assess and work with informationen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::2. Multilingual Competence::Skills::Ability to understand spoken messagesen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::2. Multilingual Competence::Skills::Ability to read, understand and draft texts with different levels of proficiency according to the individual’s needsen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::6. Citizenship Competence::Skills::develop critical thinking and integrated problem solving skillsen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::8. Cultural awareness and expression Competence::Skills::ability to engage in creative processes, both as an individual and collectivelyen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::1. Literacy Competence::Attitudes::Disposition to critical and constructive dialogueen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::1. Literacy Competence::Attitudes::Appreciation of aesthetic qualities and an interest in interaction with othersen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::2. Multilingual Competence::Attitudes::Appreciation of cultural diversityen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::2. Multilingual Competence::Attitudes::Interest and curiosity about languages and intercultural communicationen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::6. Citizenship Competence::Attitudes::support for social and cultural diversity, gender equality and social cohesion, sustainable lifestyleen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::6. Citizenship Competence::Attitudes::develop an interest in political and socioeconomic developments, humanities and intercultural communication to ensure social justice and fairnessen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::8. Cultural awareness and expression Competence::Attitudes::adopt an open attitude and respect for diversity of cultural expression together with an ethical and responsible approach to intellectual and cultural ownershipen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::8. Cultural awareness and expression Competence::Attitudes::develop a curiosity about the world, an openness to imagine new possibilities and a willingness to participate in cultural experiencesen_US
dc.learningOutcomeBy the end of these three teaching periods: - the students will have learnt a lot of things about the medieval period in Europe as well as about the influence that the Arabs have exerted over Europe through their conquests. - they will have worked individually, in pairs or groups to complete meaningful tasks using digital and non digital tools - they will have learnt to critically evaluate historical events an grow their own conclusions - they will have improved their vocabulay and general language skills in English as they will have practiced all four skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking) - they will have developed their imagination and creativity and enhaned their public speaking skillsen_US
dc.transversalSkillInformation literacyen_US
dc.transversalSkillCreativity and Innovationen_US
dc.transversalSkillCollaboration and Communicationen_US
dc.transversalSkillAutonomous learningen_US
dc.europeanityThis scenario deals with an important part of the European History. It is evident that various aspects of the European civilization, including commerce, architecture, language, and art would have been completely different if the Arabs had never conquered some parts of the European continent. It is equally important to know however, that Europe, as we know it would never have existed if the Arabs hadn’t been defeated in Constantinople and Tours.en_US
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