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dc.contributor.authorSanz, Núria-
dc.descriptionThis Scenario consists of 5 sessions which introduce on using the computer program to perform presentations. Students will have to learn the different tools of the program in order to be able to do presentations. The Europeanity component is focused transversely as the subject of preparation of the different presentations during the Scenario.en_US
dc.publisherINCLUDE PROJECTen_US
dc.subjectInformation & Communication Technologies Computer Scienceen_US
dc.titleComputer science by learning about the European Union_Impressen_US
dc.typeeducational scenario - lesson planen_US
dc.keywordcomputing scienceen_US
dc.keywordEuropean Unionen_US
dc.keywordInformation Technologyen_US
dc.keywordsPerFileTask_01.odp,teacher presentationen_US
dc.keywordsPerFileTask_02.odp,teacher presentationen_US
dc.keywordsPerFileTask_03.odp,teacher presentationen_US
dc.schoolInstitut BISBE BERENGUERen_US
dc.moduleOffice suiteen_US
dc.requirementsinteractive board or projector, personal computers, internet access.en_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::2. Multilingual Competence::Knowledge::Knowledge of vocabularyen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::2. Multilingual Competence::Skills::Ability to use tools appropriately and learn the language formally, non-formally and informally throughout lifeen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::2. Multilingual Competence::Attitudes::Appreciation of cultural diversityen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::4. Digital Competence::Knowledge::understanding how digital technologies can support communication, creativity and innovationen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::4. Digital Competence::Knowledge::knowledge of the basic function and use of different devices, software, and networksen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::4. Digital Competence::Skills::ability to use digital technologies to support active citizenship and social inclusion, collaboration with othersen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::4. Digital Competence::Attitudes::engagement with digital technologies and content with a reflective and critical, yet curious, open-minded and forward-looking attitude to their evolutionen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::5. Personal, social and learning to learn Competence::Skills::ability to identify one’s capacities, focus, deal with complexity, critically reflect and make decisionsen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::5. Personal, social and learning to learn Competence::Attitudes::respect diversity of others and their needs and being prepared both to overcome prejudices and to compromiseen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::6. Citizenship Competence::Knowledge::understanding of the European common valuesen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::6. Citizenship Competence::Knowledge::knowledge of how national cultural identity contributes to the European identityen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::6. Citizenship Competence::Attitudes::support for social and cultural diversity, gender equality and social cohesion, sustainable lifestyleen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::8. Cultural awareness and expression Competence::Knowledge::knowledge of local, national, regional, European and global cultures and expressionsen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::8. Cultural awareness and expression Competence::Skills::ability to engage in creative processes, both as an individual and collectivelyen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::8. Cultural awareness and expression Competence::Attitudes::adopt an open attitude and respect for diversity of cultural expression together with an ethical and responsible approach to intellectual and cultural ownershipen_US
dc.learningOutcome• To practise the use of office tools to produce presentations. • To design own office material from general instructions. • to navigate a general interest website (European Union). • To assess aspects of the European Union and its diversity. • To take part in discussions, express their views, argue to support them and to comment on the views of their interlocutors.en_US
dc.transversalSkillInformation literacyen_US
dc.transversalSkillCollaboration and Communicationen_US
dc.transversalSkillAutonomous learningen_US
dc.europeanityThis scenario is designed because, while learning the different tools of an office program to design presentations, students are analysing and deepening the training of the European Union, the different countries involved, their similarities and differences, etc. Above all, it is about promoting this feeling of belonging to the European community.en_US
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