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Authors: Linde Linde, Luis Manuel
Keywords: History;Biology;Health Education;Intercultural Education
Issue Date: 2021
Description: This Scenario is centred on rights to decide that as European citizens we have in some aspects .In this scenario, students are going to assess some of the rights that European citizens have in relation to other parts of the World, and some differences that exist between the European countries themselves in relation to feminism, LGBT+ rights and Euthanasia. This Scenario has been created through a Moodle Platform which integrates a variety of interactive activities by using different types of intelligences, following the CLIL methodology. A back-up of those activities is included in this repertory. In the scenario are used H5P tools and some of the digital options that are offered in the Moodle platform such as: multiple choice, essays, matching, speaking, assignment, watching videos, wordsearch. And other activities (not digital tools done in Moodle platform). In the scenario there are some texts to give students the information they need to answer the questions and to solve some of their doubts. Some activities have some scaffolding to help them to answer the questions, such as grammar help, speaking help and examples. Some examples are given to make easier the students’ learning process. The scenario includes self-assessment, in order students to assess themselves (to make students aware of their own learning level and the goals achieved). In “Teachers’ material” (hidden for students), there are some files such as “Student’ worksheet” (in pdf), “Teaching materials” (with answers and teachers help, in pdf), “Script” (advices on how to perform the scenario, in pdf), and “Maps and graphs” (in pdf). At the end of the scenario students have a text in which appears the things learned during the scenario.
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