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Title: Women in science
Authors: Sanz, Núria
Keywords: No matching
Issue Date: 15-Jan-2022
Description: This Scenario focuses on the discovery of European women scientists who have played an important role in history and the visualization of so many women who today play an important role in STEM field. The scenario consists of 3-4 sessions: first, students will be placed in the role of a historical scientific woman and, finally, they will share the experience and life of close female scientist. The aim is to promote equal opportunities and reducing gender bias. This Scenario has been created through a Moodle Platform which integrates a variety of interactive activities. A back-up of those activities is included in this repository.
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Files in This Item:
File Description SizeFormat 
scriptP4S24Y3.pdflesson plan87.58 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
scientists_cards.pdfrole play cards60.88 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
scientist.h5ph5p activity1.47 MBH5PView/Open
find-more-sicentists.h5ph5p activity617.47 kBH5PView/Open
marie-curie.h5ph5p activity1.12 MBH5PView/Open
lise-meitner.h5ph5p activity913.28 kBH5PView/Open
ida-noddack.h5ph5p activity839.42 kBH5PView/Open
berta-karlik.h5ph5p activity838.5 kBH5PView/Open
marguerite-perey.h5ph5p activity766.98 kBH5PView/Open
backup-moodle-course-women_in_science.mbzbackup moodle course14.34 MBUnknownView/Open
how-did-women-contributed-our-discovery.h5ph5p activity4.21 MBH5PView/Open

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