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dc.contributor.authorBompolou, Eirini-
dc.contributor.authorBampili, Amalia Christina-
dc.descriptionThe students, contemplate on the mathematicians they have heard of and make their observations (probably that all of them are male and come from Ancient Greece). Then the class study a text about Emmy Noether, extract the main information from it, and under the guidance of the teacher make a flipbook to present this information. Then in groups, they study the cases of two other female mathematicians and create a similar flipbook or a poster in order to present the information to their classmates. In the second teaching session, after having presented the information to their classmates, the students consider of some suitable questions to be included in a questionnaire addressed to their peers, in which they explore the topic "Gender and Mathematics" and they start preparing a text to accompany the questionnaire, so that the answers that they recieve will be more accurate.en_US
dc.subjectPolitical & Social Sciencesen_US
dc.titleThe women behind Mathsen_US
dc.typeeducational scenario - lesson planen_US
dc.typeeducational gameen_US
dc.keywordMathematics, History of Mathematics, Maths, Gender, Women Mathematicians, Hypatia, Emmy Noether, Karen Uhlenbecken_US
dc.keywordsPerFilescript women behind Mathsen_US
dc.keywordsPerFileworksheet 1_P1S08Y1en_US
dc.keywordsPerFilemathematicians, female mathematicians, Emmy Noetheren_US
dc.keywordsPerFileworksheet 2_P1S08Y1en_US
dc.keywordsPerFileHypatia, Karen Uhlenbeck, gender and Mathematicsen_US
dc.school1o peiramatiko gymnasio Athinasen_US
dc.moduleHistory of Mathematicsen_US
dc.unitFemale Mathematiciansen_US
dc.requirementsThis scenario works best, if it is performed in a computer lab, or in a class where there is a whiteboard, internet connection and each group of student has a portable device, such as a tablet or a mobile phone, either their own or provided by the school. It can also be taught in online learning. However, we provide printed worksheets as well, and give alternatives for the teacher, in case none of the above prerequisites is available (eg in a school without technological equipment, or if the internet does not work in the particular day). We also try to provide the teacher with alternatives so that the scenario becomes more accessible (for people with visual problems, or with learning difficulties).en_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::1. Literacy Competenceen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::3. Mathematical competence and competence in science, technology, engineeringen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::4. Digital Competenceen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::6. Citizenship Competenceen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::1. Literacy Competence::Knowledge::Knowledge of vocabulary, grammar and the functions of languageen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::1. Literacy Competence::Knowledge::Awareness of a range of literary and non-literary textsen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::3. Mathematical competence and competence in science, technology, engineering::A. Mathematical competence::Knowledge::Understanding of mathematical terms and conceptsen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::3. Mathematical competence and competence in science, technology, engineering::A. Mathematical competence::Knowledge::Awareness of the questions to which mathematics can offer answersen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::3. Mathematical competence and competence in science, technology, engineering::A. Mathematical competence::Knowledge::Awareness of the questions to which mathematics can offer answersen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::4. Digital Competence::Knowledge::adopting a critical approach to the validity, reliability and impact of information and data made available by digital meansen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::4. Digital Competence::Knowledge::awareness of the legal and ethical principles involved in engaging with digital technologiesen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::6. Citizenship Competence::Knowledge::knowledge of contemporary events as well as a critical understanding of the main developments in national, European and world history movementsen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::6. Citizenship Competence::Knowledge::awareness of the aims, values and policies of sustainable systems, in particular climate and demographic change at the global level and their underlying causesen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::1. Literacy Competence::Skills::Skill to communicate both orally and in writing in a variety of situationsen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::1. Literacy Competence::Skills::Ability to distinguish and use different types of sources, to search for, collect and process information, to use aidsen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::1. Literacy Competence::Skills::Ability to formulate and express one’s oral and written arguments in a convincing way appropriate to the contexten_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::1. Literacy Competence::Skills::Critical thinking and ability to assess and work with informationen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::3. Mathematical competence and competence in science, technology, engineering::A. Mathematical competence::Skills::Skill to follow and assess chains of argumentsen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::3. Mathematical competence and competence in science, technology, engineering::A. Mathematical competence::Skills::Skill to follow and assess chains of argumentsen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::3. Mathematical competence and competence in science, technology, engineering::A. Mathematical competence::Skills::Ability to reason mathematical, understand mathematical proof and communicate in mathematical languageen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::4. Digital Competence::Skills::ability to use digital technologies to support active citizenship and social inclusion, collaboration with othersen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::4. Digital Competence::Skills::ability to use digital technologies to support creativity towards personal, social or commercial goalsen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::6. Citizenship Competence::Skills::ability to engage effectively with others in common or public interest, including the sustainable development of societyen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::6. Citizenship Competence::Skills::develop critical thinking and integrated problem solving skillsen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::6. Citizenship Competence::Skills::develop arguments and constructive participation in community activities as well as in decision-making at all levels, from local and national to the European and international levelen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::1. Literacy Competence::Attitudes::Disposition to critical and constructive dialogueen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::1. Literacy Competence::Attitudes::Appreciation of aesthetic qualities and an interest in interaction with othersen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::3. Mathematical competence and competence in science, technology, engineering::A. Mathematical competence::Attitudes::Respect for truth and a willingness to look for reasons and to assess their validityen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::4. Digital Competence::Attitudes::engagement with digital technologies and content with a reflective and critical, yet curious, open-minded and forward-looking attitude to their evolutionen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::6. Citizenship Competence::Attitudes::support for social and cultural diversity, gender equality and social cohesion, sustainable lifestyleen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::6. Citizenship Competence::Attitudes::promotion of culture of peace and non-violenceen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::6. Citizenship Competence::Attitudes::develop an interest in political and socioeconomic developments, humanities and intercultural communication to ensure social justice and fairnessen_US
dc.learningOutcomeBy the end of the lesson the students will: - Have realised that mathematics is a human creation - Have posed themselves the question if mathematics is an area that is mainly dominated by males - Have challenged stereotypes, concerning the gender, age, time, etc of the people involved with mathematics and with science in general - Have developed their English language vocabulary and their oral and written skills, by reading authentic texts and producing different types of output - Have become acquainted with the use of various digital toolsen_US
dc.transversalSkillInformation literacyen_US
dc.transversalSkillCreativity and Innovationen_US
dc.transversalSkillCollaboration and Communicationen_US
dc.transversalSkillAutonomous learningen_US
dc.europeanityThe students get acquainted with the lives and work of three very important female European mathematicians, who have lived in different historical periods and have all faced gender related problems and discrimination. They also start wondering about equal opportunities in today's European society, and investigating their peers' opinions in order to draw conclusions.en_US
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