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dc.contributor.authorSanz, Núria-
dc.descriptionThis scenario uses the study of movement and, in particular, the experimental determination of reaction time for a person to see the need for road safety and traffic rules. The European Union's policies on road safety are analysed and the rules are compared to the various European countries. This Scenario has been created through a Moodle Platform which integrates a variety of interactive activities. A back-up of those activities is included in this repository.en_US
dc.publisherINCLUDE PROJECTen_US
dc.titleRoad Safetyen_US
dc.typeeducational scenario - lesson planen_US
dc.keywordroad safetyen_US
dc.keywordreaction timeen_US
dc.keywordlab practiceen_US
dc.keywordsPerFilescriptP4S10Y2, lesson planen_US
dc.keywordsPerFileAcitivity sheets_1_movement, worksheeten_US
dc.keywordsPerFileAcitivity sheets_2_Reaction Time, worksheeten_US
dc.keywordsPerFileAcitivity sheets_3_road safety, worksheeten_US
dc.keywordsPerFilebackup-moodle-course-roadsafety-2022.mbz, modle course backupen_US
dc.keywordsPerFilemovement_exercises, H5P activityen_US
dc.keywordsPerFilemovement_vocabulary_1, H5P activityen_US
dc.keywordsPerFilemovement_vocabulary_2, H5P activityen_US
dc.keywordsPerFilespeed_against_time_graph, H5P activityen_US
dc.keywordsPerFileU.A.R.M, H5P activityen_US
dc.schoolInstitut BISBE BERENGUERen_US
dc.moduleForces an movementen_US
dc.requirementsinteractive board (or projector), personal computers, internet access, equipment for the lab practiceen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::1. Literacy Competence::Knowledge::Awareness of the main features of different styles and registers of languageen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::1. Literacy Competence::Skills::Critical thinking and ability to assess and work with informationen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::1. Literacy Competence::Attitudes::Need to understand and use language in a positive and socially responsible manneren_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::2. Multilingual Competence::Knowledge::Knowledge of vocabularyen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::2. Multilingual Competence::Skills::Ability to use tools appropriately and learn the language formally, non-formally and informally throughout lifeen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::2. Multilingual Competence::Attitudes::Appreciation of cultural diversityen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::3. Mathematical competence and competence in science, technology, engineering::A. Mathematical competence::Knowledge::Sound knowledge of numbers, measures and structures in everyday contexts, basic operations and basic mathematical presentationsen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::3. Mathematical competence and competence in science, technology, engineering::B. Competence in science, technology, engineering::Knowledge::Understanding of the impact of science, technology, engineering and human activity in general on the natural worlden_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::3. Mathematical competence and competence in science, technology, engineering::A. Mathematical competence::Skills::Ability to reason mathematical, understand mathematical proof and communicate in mathematical languageen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::3. Mathematical competence and competence in science, technology, engineering::B. Competence in science, technology, engineering::Skills::Understanding of science as a process for the investigation through specific methodologies, including observations and controlled experimentsen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::3. Mathematical competence and competence in science, technology, engineering::B. Competence in science, technology, engineering::Attitudes::Critical appreciation and curiosity, a concern for ethical issues and support for both safety and environmental sustainabilityen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::3. Mathematical competence and competence in science, technology, engineering::B. Competence in science, technology, engineering::Attitudes::Critical appreciation and curiosity, a concern for ethical issues and support for both safety and environmental sustainabilityen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::4. Digital Competence::Knowledge::knowledge of the basic function and use of different devices, software, and networksen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::4. Digital Competence::Skills::ability to use digital technologies to support active citizenship and social inclusion, collaboration with othersen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::4. Digital Competence::Attitudes::engagement with digital technologies and content with a reflective and critical, yet curious, open-minded and forward-looking attitude to their evolutionen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::5. Personal, social and learning to learn Competence::Knowledge::understanding the codes of conduct and rules of communication generally accepted in different societies and environments for successful interpersonal relations and social participationen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::5. Personal, social and learning to learn Competence::Skills::ability to identify one’s capacities, focus, deal with complexity, critically reflect and make decisionsen_US
dc.keycompetencesDetailed Competences::5. Personal, social and learning to learn Competence::Skills::ability to learn and work both collaboratively and autonomouslyen_US
dc.learningOutcome• To develop their critical thinking, through curiosity and knowledge of world. • To apply theory in practice by. • To consolidate physical terms and concepts through interactive drill and practice. • To enrich their knowledge in the field of Dynamics in a foreign language. • To collaborate effectively in discussing and solving problems. • To understand texts with a wide range of vocabulary related to the content area and identify key vocabulary in them. • To use digital tools to produce material to raise awareness of the student environment. • To contribute to a debate on road safety by expressing its views with respect, fluidity and accuracy. • To take part in discussions, express their views, argue to support them and to comment on the views of their interlocutorsen_US
dc.transversalSkillInformation literacyen_US
dc.transversalSkillCollaboration and Communicationen_US
dc.transversalSkillAutonomous learningen_US
dc.europeanityThe scenario is about road safety. The concept of reaction time is used to contextualize physical motion problems. As European citizens, it is important for the students to be aware of the similarities and differences in road safety of the different countries.en_US
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Activity sheets_1_movement.pdfworksheet_1157.54 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
Activity sheets_2_Reaction time.pdfworksheet_272.64 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
Activity sheets_3_road safety.pdfworksheet_3179.76 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
backup-moodle-course-roadsafety-2022.mbzmoodle course backup13.37 MBUnknownView/Open
movement_exercises.h5pH5P activity3.5 MBH5PView/Open
movement-vocabulary_2.h5pH5P activity854.38 kBH5PView/Open
movement-vocabulaty_1.h5pH5P activity1.55 MBH5PView/Open
speed_againts_time_graph.h5pH5P activity1.01 MBH5PView/Open
U.A.R.M.h5pH5P activity723.27 kBH5PView/Open
scriptP4S10Y2.pdflesson plan86.58 kBAdobe PDFView/Open

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